The National Union of Students in Norway (Norsk studentorganisasjon, or NSO in Norwegian) is the largest organisation for students in Norway. Comprising 30 member unions from higher education institutions across the country. The member unions represents more than 240 000 students. NSO’s goal is to ensure students’ academic, social and economic rights.
On the 1st of July 2010, two former organisations – Norsk Studentunion and Studentenes Landsforbund – officially merged, creating NSO as the single umbrella organisation for student democracies in Norway’s higher education institutions. NSO is politically independent and maintains an important voice for the students Norway. NSO works with politicians, administrative officials, the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund (Lånekassen), and the managements and leadership of higher education institutions across the country to improve the conditions of students financially, academically and socially.
Our most important belief is the principle of equal rights to access education. All students in higher education should get the most out of the opportunity to study, and the education they take part in should be of the highest possible quality.
NSO aims to be an important actor in all matters concerning higher education nationally and internationally. To that end political lobbying of the government and others in positions of influence is an important part of NSO’s work. Among the specific areas of our concentration are student finances, quality of education, internationalisation of higher education, equality and student solidarity.
The students’ voice
As NSO’s member unions represents the vast majority of students in Norway, it is an important voice for all topics related and relevant to students. NSO representatives frequently meet with the ministry of education and members of parliament as well as being involved in many public boards and national councils within the field of higher education. NSO’s international representation of students is strongly related to our active membership of the European Students’ Union (ESU).
NSO values its diversity, building on long traditions from the two previous organisations. Students from every academic Field come together to construct NSO’s policy, giving us the credibilty and legitimacy to speak out students’ opinions on every area relevant to students.
Together, students have the power to effect real change!

More information
Postal address: Norsk studentorganisasjon, Holbergs gate 1, 0166 Oslo, Norway
Main office: +47 22 04 49 70