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Stop the Introduction of Tuition Fees in Norway (vedtatt av BM84)

Uttalelse vedtatt på Board Meeting i European Student Union 5. – 7. Mai 2023

In the national budget of 2023, the Norwegian Parliament has decided to introduce tuition fees for international students from outside the European Economic Area. This implies that the higher education institutions are forced to demand a cost-covering fee, from the fall of 2023. This budget proposal will also be followed by a change in the law, by introducing a new group of students in Norwegian higher education, third-country students.

Norway has for many years been one of the last countries in Europe where higher education is free of charge. The introduction of tuition fees will break one of the most important principles of the Norwegian education system – the principle of free education. Moreover, it is also in conflict with the ruling government’s political platform, which states that: Higher education in Norway will be free of cost, also for international students. With the introduction of tuition fees, the government violate their own platform and their own political programmes.

Country after country introduce tuition fees for international students, and we have witnessed massive demonstrations against high tuition fees and poor education all across Europe. One of the main reasons why ESU oppose the introduction of tuition fees for some groups of students, is that it can quickly lead to more and more students having to pay for higher education. We are afraid that this opens a door that may be difficult to close, but rather has an accelerating effect. This has been the case in several countries in Europe, e.g Great Britain and Ireland.

Furthermore, we have seen the introduction of tuition fees affect the student bodies in the Nordic countries heavily in the past decade. In Denmark, tuition fees were introduced in 2006. This led to a decrease of 42% in the number of third-country students in 2006, with a further decrease of 13% in 2007. In Sweden, it was introduced in 2011, leading to a decrease of approximately 79% in the number of third-country students. Lastly, in Finland, tuition fees were introduced in 2017. This led to a decrease of 36% in the number of third-country students.

ESU believes that:
The principle of equal right to education should be the keystone in Norwegian higher education policy.

Higher education should be the state's responsibility, and the state should ensure a society that is not characterized by social and economic class divides. The introduction of tuition fees would make education available only to the affluent, and not to the whole of the population. It is not a goal in itself for everyone to pursue higher education, but the opportunity should be equal for all, regardless of their socio-economic background. Education is an- important tool to ensure social mobility, and the introduction of tuition fees would undermine the principle of equal opportunities.

ESU believes that:
Higher education is not a commodity.

Higher education has greater societal value. Education should therefore be on par with social measures that benefit the state, rather than with market goods that can be bought and sold. Higher education is essential for the development of society, and it benefits the state and society as much as the individual to have a highly educated population. It will harm academia if students are redefined from active participants in the academic community to consumers. Higher education in Norway is the state's responsibility, primarily in terms of funding.

ESU believes that:
The introduction of tuition fees will not improve the quality of education.

The quality of education is created by strong academic disciplines, good education policies, and engaged academics. The quality of education is not created by students who are able to pay. If institutions receive money from students, there is no guarantee that the state subsidy will be maintained. Therefore, institutions may end up with no more funding than they initially had. Tuition fees will lead to higher education institutions being increasingly privatized. It is not desirable for the state to lose its overarching responsibility for the education sector.

International students, from all over the world, are an enormous resource for the student body, the institutions, and Norwegian society as a whole. They increase the quality of education as they bring a diversity of cultures, perspectives, and opinions to the public and academic debates. The introduction of tuition fees for third-country students will lead to a more homogeneous student body and make diversity and quality in higher education stagnate.

ESU believes that:
The introduction of tuition fees will threaten smaller professions and disciplines.

It is important that the educational system reflects the needs of society, meanwhile allowing for personal interests, and development. The introduction of tuition fees may lead to smaller, and increasingly niche-oriented educational programs being eliminated as they are not as economically profitable as larger programs. This could affect small, specialized fields within most study areas, but particularly important identity-creating fields such as art, culture, and language, as well as important areas of knowledge within both science and social science fields.

ESU believes that:
The introduction of tuition fees will hinder student mobility.

The Bologna process is based on the idea of an open Europe, with free flow of knowledge. The introduction of tuition fees will largely determine which students outside Europe have the opportunity to come to Norway to study. Many third country-students will lose the opportunity to study in Norway, and education in Norway will only be available for an international elite. This may lead the higher education institutions focus to the students who generate profit, rather than striving to attract the best students.

ESU believes that:
Increased internationalisation is necessary to answer to the global questions of tomorrow.

This will weaken Norway’s opportunity and ability to solve the global challenges of tomorrow. Internationalisation is important to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) because facilitates knowledge sharing, collaboration, and cooperation across countries and institutions. SDGs are a global agenda that requires concerted efforts from all countries and stakeholders to achieve. Internationalisation also helps create diverse and inclusive learning environments that fosters intercultural understanding and empathy. Which enhances the quality of education and contribute to the development of a more globally competent workforce that is equipped to address complex global challenges.

ESU believes that:
Affluent countries need to contribute more to higher education globally.

As a rich, developed and peaceful country, Norway needs to take their international responsibility. The introduction of tuition fees will lead to only those with the best financial resources from third countries being able to pursue education in Norway. Tuition fees will be another barrier to attracting international students to Norway. Norway is one of the world's most expensive countries to live in, and in addition it is required for international students to demonstrate that they have enough money to live on during their education.

Free education is a competitive advantage for attracting competent students to Norway, and not just those with a lot of money. In Norwegian media the past months, we have already seen several examples of talented students who would not have had the opportunity to come to Norway if tuition fees had been a reality.

ESU demand that:
The Norwegian government ban tuition fees for international students in Norway