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Resolution on the war in Ukraine (adopted on SST4-21/22)

Adopted by the Central Board of the National Union of Students in Norway, the 4th of march, 2022.

On the 24th February Russian troops invaded Ukraine from the east. This occurred a few days after President Putin declared the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent. The situation for civil society in Ukraine, is and has been characterised by fear and uncertainty.

The situation has rapidly escalated to a full-scale war between Ukraine and Russia. There are rapports every day that universities and government buildings are targeted and attacked, and civilian lives are being lost. The National Union of Students in Norway (NSO) distance themselves from civilian lives are being dragged into and lost in military operations.

The invasion in Ukraine is a clear breach of international law and a severe attack on democracy. More and more organisations and countries have imposed sanctions against the Russian government and key figures. It is important to emphasize that the Russian people aren’t to blame for the war, as it is the Russian government should be held accountable.

The Ukrainian people have been forced to flee, and we will see a stream of refugees in the near future. Many refugees will be students that have lost their connection to academia. Refugees and others that come to Norway with an academic background should be given the opportunity to be included in the academic community and be able to complete their education. Norwegian institutions have traditionally supported the programmes Students at Risk and Scholars at Risk. We expect this to continue during this war.

Students in Norway from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and neighbouring countries are already experiencing a huge psychological strain. We need to assure students that they are not going to be deported from Norway.

It is important that NSO sets clear demands and expectations for the Norwegian government and institutions in solidarity with those that aren’t able to demand or expect anything.

The National Union of Students in Norway;

  • Condemns the Russian invasion as a breach of international law.
  • Stands with the Ukrainian people, students, people fleeing, and others directly affected by the war.
  • Believes that all students in the affected countries should be allowed to flee the country.
  • Believes that students who belong to marginalised groups such as LGBT+, disabled and other minorities are more vulnerable and should have equal opportunities to flee and go to countries where they can be safe.
  • Demands that welfare organisations are helpful and generous when international students in Norway are affected by sanctions.
  • Encourages institutions to use their international partnerships to motivate peace and diplomacy. Researcher to researcher cooperation must continue.
  • Encourages institutions, member unions and welfare organisation to the best of their ability support humanitarian aid for Ukraine. 
  • Encourages Norwegian institutions to enable meeting points for their students and staff who are affected by the war. Students will be taken care of and be given what they need from the Norwegian government, such as with housing and financial security.
  • Demands that society protects Russians in Norway and are clear that it is the Russian government that is at war- not the Russian people.
  • Demand that students who flee to Norway can complete their degrees at Norwegian institutions and that Norway encourages other countries that receive refugees do the same.
  • Contributes to and supports the work around a coordinated European Students at Risk program and supports other countries that wish to set up their own programmes.
  • Puts pressure on the welfare organisations to enable housing for refugee families in vacant student accommodation in holidays as required.
  • Encourages institutions and others to work to protect vulnerable students from the media.
  • Will work for and put pressure on, that students from affected countries, especially Ukraine, receive free counselling and/or psychologist services through welfare organisations or their host municipalities.
  • Encourages the Norwegian government to continue supporting Ukraine.

Wants Norway to actively support maintaining a functioning student democratic body in Ukraine to take care of students’ interests.

Download Resolusjon_krigen_i_ukraina_ENGELSK.pdf